Academic WorldQuest Regional Championship 2019/Nationals Results!

Saturday, March 2nd, 9:30 a.m., Henry Wallace Center, FDR National Historic Site

Eighteen area high school teams compete in this international affairs quiz bowl. The winner will travel to Washington DC in April 2019 to participate in the World Affairs Council of America national AWQ championship event.  Thank you to our sponsors, including IBM.

UPDATE Our 2019 regional winner – The Mount Academy team – traveled to Washington DC for the April 27th competition. Of 50 teams competing from all over the country, our Mid-Hudson Valley representing team took 3rd place (after a tie-breaker to determine 2nd/3rd place). This is an unprecedented placement for our council’s representing team and we are very proud and pleased to recognize the students who competed, including the team alternate: Lila Gneiting, Heidi Keiderling, Karilyn Domer, Kent Thomson, and Alec Koppschall. The team’s coach is Roanna Wiser.

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