Great Decisions: Saudi Arabia in Transition, April 10, 7 pm. Facilitator: James Ketterer

James Ketterer, Director of International Academic Initiatives and Senior Fellow, Institute of International Liberal Education, Bard College, will facilitate the discussion.  Description:  As Saudi Arabia struggles to adjust to the drastic decline in oil revenue, Deputy Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman attempts to boldly transform the country and shift more power to the younger generation.  At the same time, many countries such as the U.S. point out the lack of democracy, women’s rights and human rights in Saudi Arabia, and blame its promotion of Wahhabism, an extremely conservative version of Islam, for creating jihadists.  Bipartisan criticism of Saudi Arabia is rising in Congress.  Both countries need each other, but they are at a crossroads in bilateral relations.  Apr. 10, 7 pm, Boardman Branch of the Poughkeepsie Public Library.

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