Mid-Hudson Valley World Affairs Council Board of Directors
Terms of service
- Members may serve up to three 3-year terms in succession or with breaks.
- After three terms a board member may serve again only after a one-year break.
- Members are voted in by the membership at the annual winter dinner.
- Terms are indicated below – (Term on board; 12/31/year ending)
Board Officers
- President – Karin Riedl (1-year term beginning January 2024; 3rd term on the Board, ending 12/31/26)
- Vice President – vacant
- Treasurer – Shantha Thangiah (term beginning January 2024; 1st term on Board ending 12/31/27).
- Secretary – Karen Nichols (term beginning January 2024; 1st term after three terms and a break, ending 12/31/27)
Board Members at Large
- Mirza Ashraf (2nd term; 12/31/24)
- Antonio Flores-Lobos (1st term; 12/31/24)
- Fred C. Hof (1st term; 12/31/25)
- Rick Levitt (1st term; 12/31/25)
- Malia DuMont (3rd term; 12/31/26)
- Michael E. O’Sullivan (3rd term; 12/31/26)
- Karen Robblee (1st term; 12/31/27)
- Wendy Saul (1st term; 12/31/27)
- Sydney Gagnon (1st term; 12/31/27)
- Tim Distel (1st term; 12/31/27)
- Program Committee
- Nominating Committee