Great Decisions: The Two Koreas: Future U.S.- ROK Relations?

Join us on Monday, April 12th for a facilitated discussion at the Boardman Road Library in Poughkeepsie. 7pm start time. Free to the general public. Registration may be required if COVID restrictions are still in place.

Facilitator: Martin Charwat, World Affairs Council

Great Decisions Program: The Korean Peninsula is facing a defining era. Attempts by South Korean President Moon Jae-in and U.S. President Donald Trump to repair the rift between North and South have lost any momentum as Pyongyang continues to test long-range missiles for its nuclear weapons program. As the rift between the U.S. and China grows further, South Korea may end up in the middle of the two superpowers. What does the future hold for the U.S. relationship with the ROK.

Join us on Monday, April 12th for a facilitated discussion at the Boardman Road Library in Poughkeepsie. 7pm start time. Free to the general public. Registration may be required if COVID restrictions are still in place.

Facilitator: Martin Charwat, World Affairs Council

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