Student World Affairs Conference 2024

Marist College 3399 North Rd, Poughkeepsie, NY, United States

Join us on Friday, March 1, 2024, for the annual Student World Affairs Conference, to be held from 9:15 to 5:30 at Marist College. The Keynote Address at 3:30 will be followed by a reception. Keynote: "Strongmen and How to Defeat Them" - Dr. Ruth Ben-Ghiat, to be introduced by Dean Jacqueline Reich (Marist), is […]

Academic WorldQuest 2024

Henry A. Wallace Visitor and Education Center 4079 Albany Post Rd, Hyde Park, NY, United States

WAC-MHV will hold the annual Academic WorldQuest competition at the Henry A. Wallace Center at the FDR Historic Site in Hyde Park, NY on March 2, 2024. Regional high schools compete in this 10-round international affairs quiz bowl. The winner will represent the World Affairs Council of the Mid-Hudson Valley at the national conference in […]

Peter Jones: “The Collapse of Netanyahu’s Double-Game”

Mill House Brewing Company 289 Mill St, Poughkeepsie, NY, United States

Members are invited to join Peter Jones at the Mill House Brewery on Monday, March 11, 2024. The event will be held in a private room from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Au d'oeuvres will be served and a cash bar will be available. The event is open to WACMHV Members and their family and […]

Great Decisions: Science Across Borders

Woodstock Public Library District 5 Library Ln, Woodstock, NY, United States

Facilitated by Jean-Claude Fouere Scientific advances benefit from collaboration between researchers, but what happens when material, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) is controversial and important to a nation’s national security? Is there a middle ground between sharing information and denying access? How can we regulate cooperation? The facilitator will specifically address The International Nuclear Fusion […]

Great Decisions: NATO’s Future

Woodstock Public Library District 5 Library Ln, Woodstock, NY, United States

Facilitated by Rick Levitt Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has come under increased scrutiny, not because NATO troops are involved in the conflict, but because of its role in relations between Russia and its neighbors. NATO may have been constructed as a military alliance, but […]

Webinar: Juneteeth & Global Emancipation Movements

The World Affairs Council of Orange County, CA will hold a Zoom webinar on Thursday, June 13, 2024, from 3-4 pm Eastern Standard Time (EST) titled, "Juneteenth & Global Emancipation Movements: The Caged Bird Sings of Freedom" featuring Human Rights Professor, Rev. Ray Jordan. Webpage:  On June 19, 1865 — months after the Civil War ended and more than 2 […]

Great Decisions: Gaza: Which Way Forward?

Woodstock Public Library District 5 Library Ln, Woodstock, NY, United States

Facilitated by Frederic C. Hof This program will be a talk that intersects with the Great Decisions topic on the Middle East, but it will focus on the situation in Gaza. The talk will consider what the United States might do to move the parties involved in conflict forward, beyond violence to co-existence and peace. […]

Great Decisions: Understanding Indonesia

Kingston Library 61 Crown St, Kingston, NY, United States

Facilitated by Malia DuMont, World Affairs Council of the MidHudson Valley Board Member Despite its large size, Indonesia remains virtually invisible to most Americans. But as one of the world’s largest democracies, the world’s largest Muslim-majority nation, and as an economic driver of ASEAN, why does it fly below the radar? What are current issues […]

On November 5th, US Voters Decide What the World Looks Like in 2025 and Beyond: The Intersection of Domestic Elections and Foreign Affairs

Dutchess Community College 53 Pendell Rd, Poughkeepsie, NY, United States

This event is free to the public. Visitors are advised to park in Lot D. - 90 Cottage Road, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 The 2024 Presidential election will profoundly impact America’s role in global affairs, especially in Ukraine, the Middle East, and China. Three leading foreign policy experts will delve into the significance of foreign affairs […]

Great Decisions: US-China Trade Relations

Woodstock Public Library District 5 Library Ln, Woodstock, NY, United States

Facilitator: Martin Charwat China’s economic rise and its current policies of increasing the role of the state in the economy have led some U.S. policymakers to seek to deny China access to U.S. technology and investment. This is seen as a necessary corrective to decades of predatory Chinese economic policies. Is this a wise strategy, […]

Great Decisions: Pandemic Preparedness

Woodstock Public Library District 5 Library Ln, Woodstock, NY, United States

Facilitator: Karin Riedl Looking back at the COVID-19 pandemic, there are many lessons to take away in terms of domestic and international policies. Although this pandemic seems to have waned, how can we apply these lessons to future pandemics? Will countries cooperate, and will a consensus emerge on how to manage global health challenges?

Foreign Policy Implications of the Election

D&H Canal Historical Society 1315 NY-213, High Falls, NY, United States

Ambassador Fred Hof and Malia Du Mont and Prof. of History Karin Riedl on Foreign Policy Implications of the Election. This is a D&H Canal Museum event featuring three speakers who are board members of WAC-MHV: Malia Du Mont was the Director of Policy in the Obama Defense Department. She is the winner of the […]